The Third Epistle of St. John the Apostle — Epistola B. Joannis Apostoli Tertia
Chapter 1
Vulgate><Douay-Rheims><Knox Bible
Senior Gajo carissimo, quem ego diligo in veritate.
The ancient to the dearly beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.
Greetings from the presbyter to Gaius, his most dear friend in the truth.
Carissime, de omnibus orationem facio prospere te ingredi, et valere sicut prospere agit anima tua.
Dearly beloved, concerning all things I make it my prayer that thou mayest proceed prosperously, and fare well as thy soul doth prosperously.
Beloved, my prayer is that all goes well with thee, and that thou art in health; with thy soul, all goes well.
Gavisus sum valde venientibus fratribus, et testimonium perhibentibus veritati tuæ, sicut tu in veritate ambulas.
I was exceedingly glad when the brethren came and gave testimony to the truth in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.
What happiness it gave me, when the brethren who came here bore witness of thy loyalty to the truth, the loyalty thou shewest in all thy dealings!
Majorem horum non habeo gratiam, quam ut audiam filios meos in veritate ambulare.
I have no greater grace than this, to hear that my children walk in truth.
I have no greater cause for thankfulness, than when I hear that my children are following the way of truth.
Carissime, fideliter facis quidquid operaris in fratres, et hoc in peregrinos,
Dearly beloved, thou dost faithfully whatever thou dost for the brethren, and that for strangers,
Beloved, thou art playing a faithful man’s part in shewing such kindness to the brethren, even when they are strangers to thee.
qui testimonium reddiderunt caritati tuæ in conspectu ecclesiæ: quos, benefaciens, deduces digne Deo.
Who have given testimony to thy charity in the sight of the church: whom thou shalt do well to bring forward on their way in a manner worthy of God.
They have borne public witness before the church of thy charity, and thou wilt do well to set them forward on their journey in such a manner as befits God’s service;
Pro nomine enim ejus profecti sunt, nihil accipientes a gentibus.
Because, for his name they went out, taking nothing of the Gentiles.
it was undertaken for love of his name, the heathen contributed nothing to it.
Nos ergo debemus suscipere hujusmodi, ut cooperatores simus veritatis.
We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be fellow helpers of the truth.
Yes, it is our duty to help on the cause of truth by giving welcome to such men as these.
Scripsissem forsitan ecclesiæ: sed is qui amat primatum gerere in eis, Diotrephes, non recipit nos:
I had written perhaps to the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, doth not receive us.
I might have sent this message to the church at large, were it not that Diotrephes, ever eager to take a leading part among them, refuses to acknowledge us,
propter hoc si venero, commonebo ejus opera, quæ facit, verbis malignis garriens in nos: et quasi non ei ista sufficiant, neque ipse suscipit fratres: et eos qui suscipiunt, prohibet, et de ecclesia ejicit.
For this cause, if I come, I will advertise his works which he doth, with malicious words prating against us. And as if these things were not enough for him, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and them that do receive them he forbiddeth, and casteth out of the church.
If I should pay you a visit, be sure I will tax him with his ill conduct. He maligns us with his foolish gossip; is not that enough for him, without refusing to acknowledge our brethren, and putting restraint on those who would, by expelling them from the church?
Carissime, noli imitari malum, sed quod bonum est. Qui benefacit, ex Deo est: qui malefacit, non vidit Deum.
Dearly beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doth good, is of God: he that doth evil, hath not seen God.
Beloved, choose the right pattern, not the wrong, to imitate. He who does right is a child of God; the wrong-doer has caught no glimpse of him.
Demetrio testimonium redditur ab omnibus, et ab ipsa veritate, sed et nos testimonium perhibemus: et nosti quoniam testimonium nostrum verum est.
To Demetrius testimony is given by all, and by the truth itself, yea and we also give testimony: and thou knowest that our testimony is true.
Demetrius is one whom all speak well of, and the truth itself is his warrant; we, too, commend him, and thou knowest that our commendation is true.
Multa habui tibi scribere: sed nolui per atramentum et calamum scribere tibi.
I had many things to write unto thee: but I would not by ink and pen write to thee.
I have much to tell thee, but I have no mind to convey the message with paper and ink;
Spero autem protinus te videre, et os ad os loquemur. Pax tibi. Salutant te amici. Saluta amicos nominatim.
But I hope speedily to see thee, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
I hope to see thee before long, and we will converse by word of mouth. Peace be with thee. Thy friends here greet thee. Give our friends, each of them by name, our greeting.