The Holy Bible – Knox Translation
The Prophecy of Zacharias
Chapter 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
When next I looked up, I saw a man there that carried a measuring-line;
so I asked him, whither he was bound? For Jerusalem, said he, to measure length and breadth of it.
And at that, my angel monitor would have gone out on his errand, but here was a second angel come out to meet him.
Speed thee, said he, on thy way, and tell that pupil of thine: So full Jerusalem shall be, of men and cattle both, wall it shall have none to hedge it in;
I myself, the Lord says, will be a wall of fire around it, and in the midst of it, the brightness of my presence.

Away, away, from the north country get you gone, the Lord says; what if I have scattered you, far as the four winds?
Away with thee, Sion; wouldst thou still make thy home with widowed Babylon?
This promise the Lord of hosts makes: After …

… glory, I hold his warrant against the nations that plunder you; apple of my eye he touches, that touches you.
Lift I my hand, they shall be at your mercy that are your masters now; doubt shall be none it was the Lord who sent me.

Sion, poor maid, break out into songs of rejoicing; I am on my way, coming to dwell in the midst of thee, the Lord says.
There be nations a many that shall rally that day to the Lord’s side; they, too, shall be people of mine, but with thee shall be my dwelling.

Doubt there shall be none it was the Lord of hosts sent me to thy aid.
Juda the Lord shall claim for his own, his portion in a holy land; still Jerusalem shall be the city of his choice.

Be silent, living things, in the Lord’s presence; yonder in his holy dwelling all is astir.