The Book of Joshua — Liber Josue
Chapter 18
Douay-Rheims><Knox Bible><Vulgate
And all the children of Israel assembled together in Silo, and there they set up the tabernacle of the testimony, and the land was subdued before them.
And now all the Israelites gathered in Silo, and set up the tabernacle that bore witness of the covenant, there in their own domain.
Congregatique sunt omnes filii Israël in Silo, ibique fixerunt tabernaculum testimonii, et fuit eis terra subjecta.
But there remained seven tribes of the children of Israel, which as yet had not received their possessions.
But there were seven tribes of Israel which had not yet had their lands allotted to them;
Remanserant autem filiorum Israël septem tribus, quæ necdum acceperant possessiones suas.
And Josue said to them: How long are you indolent and slack, and go not in to possess the land which the Lord the God of your fathers hath given you?
and to these Josue said, What, still hanging back, when the land promised by the Lord God of your fathers waits for you to occupy it?
Ad quos Josue ait: Usquequo marcetis ignavia, et non intratis ad possidendam terram, quam Dominus Deus patrum vestrorum dedit vobis?
Choose of every tribe three men, that I may send them, and they may go and compass the land, and mark it out according to the number of each multitude: and bring back to me what they have marked out.
Choose out three men from each tribe, and let me send them to make a circuit of the country; they shall report to me what territory best suits the numbers of this tribe or that.
Eligite de singulis tribubus ternos viros, ut mittam eos, et pergant atque circumeant terram, et describant eam juxta numerum uniuscujusque multitudinis: referantque ad me quod descripserint.
Divide to yourselves the land into seven parts: let Juda be in his bounds on the south side, and the house of Joseph on the north.
The land must needs be divided up into seven portions, now that Juda is provided for in the south, and the descendants of Joseph further north.
Dividite vobis terram in septem partes: Judas sit in terminis suis ab australi plaga, et domus Joseph ab aquilone.
The land in the midst between these mark ye out into seven parts; and you shall come hither to me, that I may cast lots for you before the Lord your God.
Come here to me, and let me cast lots between you in the Lord’s presence, when you have plotted the land that is left over; it must be in seven divisions,
Mediam inter hos terram in septem partes describite: et huc venietis ad me, ut coram Domino Deo vestro mittam vobis hic sortem:
For the Levites have no part among you, but the priesthood of the Lord is their inheritance. And Gad and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasses have already received their possessions beyond the Jordan eastward: which Moses the servant of the Lord gave them.
no allowance made for the Levites, whose portion is the Lord’s priestly office, none for Gad, Ruben, and the separate half of Manasses, since the Lord’s servant Moses has already assigned them lands east of the Jordan.
quia non est inter vos pars Levitarum, sed sacerdotium Domini est eorum hæreditas. Gad autem et Ruben, et dimidia tribus Manasse, jam acceperant possessiones suas trans Jordanem ad orientalem plagam, quas dedit eis Moyses famulus Domini.
And when the men were risen up, to go to mark out the land, Josue commanded them, saying: Go round the land and mark it out, and return to me: that I may cast lots for you before the Lord in Silo.
So the men appointed set out on their journey to make a survey of the land; at the end of it, they were to return with their report to Josue, and there, at Silo, in the Lord’s presence, the lots should be cast.
Cumque surrexissent viri, ut pergerent ad describendam terram, præcepit eis Josue, dicens: Circuite terram, et describite eam, ac revertimini ad me: ut hic coram Domino, in Silo, mittam vobis sortem.
So they went: and surveying it divided it into seven parts, writing them down in a book. And they returned to Josue, to the camp in Silo.
To the camp at Silo, then, they returned, when they had made their survey and written down particulars of the sevenfold division in a book;
Itaque perrexerunt: et lustrantes eam, in septem partes diviserunt, scribentes in volumine. Reversique sunt ad Josue in castra Silo.
And he cast lots before the Lord in Silo, and divided the land to the children of Israel into seven parts.
and at Silo lots were cast in the Lord’s presence, and the seven tribes had their portions assigned to them.
Qui misit sortes coram Domino in Silo, divisitque terram filiis Israël in septem partes.
And first came up the lot of the children of Benjamin by their families, to possess the land between the children of Juda, and the children of Joseph.
It was the clans of Benjamin whose lot was drawn first; and the territory that fell to them lay between Juda and Joseph.
Et ascendit sors prima filiorum Benjamin per familias suas, ut possiderent terram inter filios Juda et filios Joseph.
And their border northward was from the Jordan: going along by the side of Jericho on the north side, and thence going up westward to the mountains, and reaching to the wilderness of Bethaven,
Their frontier began at the Jordan, and went northwards till it was north of Jericho, then climbed up westwards into the hills, till it reached the desert of Bethaven.
Fuitque terminus eorum contra aquilonem a Jordane: pergens juxta latus Jericho septentrionalis plagæ, et inde contra occidentem ad montana conscendens et perveniens ad solitudinem Bethaven,
And passing along southward by Luza, the same is Bethel: and it goeth down into Ataroth-addar to the mountain, that is on the south of the nether Beth-horon.
It passed south of Luza (now Bethel), and so reached Ataroth-Addar, on the hill south of Lower Bethoron;
atque pertransiens juxta Luzam ad meridiem, ipsa est Bethel: descenditque in Ataroth Addar, in montem qui est ad meridiem Beth-horon inferioris:
And it bendeth thence going round towards the sea, south of the mountain that looketh towards Beth-horon to the southwest: and the outgoings thereof are into Cariathbaal, which is called also Cariathiarim, a city of the children of Juda. This is their coast towards the sea, westward.
here it altered its westward course and turned towards the mid-day sun, passing south along the ridge that faces Bethoron and so reaching Cariath-Baal, (or Cariathiarim), which belongs to Juda, This formed the western side of the territory, facing the sea.
et inclinatur circuiens contra mare ad meridiem montis qui respicit Beth-horon contra Africum: suntque exitus ejus in Cariath-baal, quæ vocatur et Cariathiarim, urbem filiorum Juda. Hæc est plaga contra mare, ad occidentem.
But on the south side the border goeth out from part of Cariathiarim towards the sea, and cometh to the fountain of the waters of Nephtoa.
Then, along its southern edge the frontier began its seaward course, reaching the Spring of Nephtoa;
A meridie autem ex parte Cariathiarim egreditur terminus contra mare, et pervenit usque ad fontem aquarum Nephtoa.
And it goeth down to that part of the mountain that looketh on the valley of the children of Ennom: and is over against the north quarter in the furthermost part of the valley of Raphaim, and it goeth down into Geennom (that is the valley of Ennom) by the side of the Jebusite to the south: and cometh to the fountain of Rogel,
and so it went across to the side of the hill looking down on the Valley of the Sons of Ennom, at the southern end of the Valley of Raphaim. Thence it crossed to Geennom (the Valley of Ennom) on its southern or Jebusite side, and reached the Spring of Rogel.
Descenditque in partem montis, qui respicit vallem filiorum Ennom: et est contra septentrionalem plagam in extrema parte vallis Raphaim. Descenditque in Geennom (id est, vallem Ennom) juxta latus Jebusæi ad austrum: et pervenit ad fontem Rogel,
Passing thence to the north, and going out to Ensemes, that is to say, the fountain of the sun:
Now it bore northwards, through Ensemes, the Spring of the Sun,
transiens ad aquilonem, et egrediens ad Ensemes, id est, fontem solis:
And it passeth along to the hills that are over against the ascent of Adommim: and it goeth down to Abenboen, that is, the stone of Boen the son of Ruben: and it passeth on the north side to the champaign countries; and goeth down into the plain,
to the mounds near the Adommim slope; thence it passed on to Aben-Boen (the stone of Boen, son of Ruben), reaching lower ground there and at last coming down into the Jordan Valley.
et pertransit usque ad tumulos, qui sunt e regione ascensus Adommim: descenditque ad Abenboën, id est, lapidem Boën filii Ruben: et pertransit ex latere aquilonis ad campestria: descenditque in planitiem,
And it passeth by Bethhagla northward: and the outgoings thereof are towards the north of the most salt sea at the south end of the Jordan:
It went northwards again to Beth-Hagla, and finished at the northern bay of the Salt Sea, south of Jordan,
et prætergreditur contra aquilonem Beth Hagla: suntque exitus ejus contra linguam maris salsissimi ab aquilone in fine Jordanis ad australem plagam:
Which is the border of it on the east side. This is the possession of the children of Benjamin by their borders round about, and their families.
so reaching its eastern limit.Such was the compass of the territory granted to the clans of Benjamin.
qui est terminus illius ab oriente. Hæc est possessio filiorum Benjamin per terminos suos in circuitu, et familias suas.
And their cities were, Jericho and Bethhagla and Vale-Casis,
The cities it contained were Jericho, Beth-Hagla, Vale of Casis,
Fueruntque civitates ejus, Jericho et Beth Hagla et vallis Casis,
Betharaba and Samaraim and Bethel,
Betharaba, Samaraim, Bethel,
Beth Araba et Samaraim et Bethel
And Avim and Aphara and Ophera,
Avim, Aphara, Ophera,
et Avim et Aphara et Ophera,
The town Emona and Ophni and Gabee: twelve cities, and their villages.
the Town of the Ammonites, Ophni, and Gabee, twelve cities in all;
villa Emona et Ophni et Gabee: civitates duodecim, et villæ earum.
Gabam and Rama and Beroth,
also Gabaon, Rama, Beroth,
Gabaon et Rama et Beroth,
And Mesphe, and Caphara, and Amosa,
Mesphe, Caphara, Amosa,
et Mesphe et Caphara, et Amosa
And Recem, Jarephel and Tharela,
Recem, Jarephel, Tharela,
et Recem, Jarephel et Tharela,
And Sela, Eleph and Jebus, which is Jerusalem, Gabaath and Cariath: fourteen cities, and their villages. This is the possession of the children of Benjamin by their families.
Sela, Eleph, Jebus (or Jerusalem), Gabaath and Cariath, fourteen cities in all; with their dependent villages. All these belonged to the clans of Benjamin.
et Sela, Eleph, et Jebus, quæ est Jerusalem, Gabaath et Cariath: civitates quatuordecim, et villæ earum. Hæc est possessio filiorum Benjamin juxta familias suas.