The Book of Joshua — Liber Josue
Chapter 4
Knox Bible> | <Vulgate> | <Douay-Rheims |
1 And when they had crossed over, the Lord bade Josue |
1 Quibus transgressis, dixit Dominus ad Josue: |
1 And when they were passed over, the Lord said to Josue: |
2 choose out twelve men, one from each tribe; |
2 Elige duodecim viros singulos per singulas tribus: |
2 Choose twelve men, one of every tribe: |
3 each was to pick out a solid stone from the river-bed, where the feet of the priests had stood, and these must be set up to mark the place where they encamped that night. |
3 et præcipe eis ut tollant de medio Jordanis alveo, ubi steterunt pedes sacerdotum, duodecim durissimos lapides, quos ponetis in loco castrorum, ubi fixeritis hac nocte tentoria. |
3 And command them to take out of the midst of the Jordan, where the feet of the priests stood, twelve very hard stones, which you shall set in the place of the camp, where you shall pitch your tents this night. |
4 So Josue summoned twelve men, whom he had chosen out to represent the twelve tribes of Israel; |
4 Vocavitque Josue duodecim viros, quos elegerat de filiis Israël, singulos de singulis tribubus, |
4 And Josue called twelve men, whom he had chosen out of the children of Israel, one out of every tribe, |
5 Go half-way across Jordan, he told them, to where the ark of the Lord your God stands, and bring me thence on your shoulders one stone each of you, one for each of the tribes of Israel. |
5 et ait ad eos: Ite ante arcam Domini Dei vestri ad Jordanis medium, et portate inde singuli singulos lapides in humeris vestris, juxta numerum filiorum Israël, |
5 And he said to them: Go before the ark of the Lord your God to the midst of the Jordan, and carry from thence every man a stone on your shoulders, according to the number of the children of Israel, |
6 They are to serve you for a monument; your children, before long, will be asking you, What is the meaning of these stones? |
6 ut sit signum inter vos: et quando interrogaverint vos filii vestri cras, dicentes: Quid sibi volunt isti lapides? |
6 That it may be a sign among you: and when your children shall ask you to morrow, saying: What mean these stones? |
7 And you will be able to answer, When the ark that bears record of the Lord’s covenant went across the Jordan, the waters dried up at its coming; that is why these stones have been set up here, to remind Israel of that crossing for all time. |
7 respondebitis eis: Defecerunt aquæ Jordanis ante arcam fœderis Domini, cum transiret eum: idcirco positi sunt lapides isti in monimentum filiorum Israël usque in æternum. |
7 You shall answer them: The waters of the Jordan ran off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, when it passed over the same: therefore were these stones set for a monument of the children of Israel for ever. |
8 The Israelites did as Josue bade them; carried the twelve stones from the river-bed, one for each tribe, as the Lord had commanded, and set them down in the camp. |
8 Fecerunt ergo filii Israël sicut præcepit eis Josue, portantes de medio Jordanis alveo duodecim lapides, ut Dominus ei imperarat, juxta numerum filiorum Israël, usque ad locum in quo castrametati sunt, ibique posuerunt eos. |
8 The children of Israel therefore did as Josue commanded them, carrying out of the channel of the Jordan twelve stones, as the Lord had commanded him, according to the number of the children of Israel, unto the place wherein they camped, and there they set them. |
9 Josue also marked the place, full in the bed of Jordan, where the priests and the ark had halted; here, too, he set up twelve stones, which are there to this day. |
9 Alios quoque duodecim lapides posuit Josue in medio Jordanis alveo, ubi steterunt sacerdotes qui portabant arcam fœderis: et sunt ibi usque in præsentem diem. |
9 And Josue put other twelve stones in the midst of the channel of the Jordan, where the priests stood that carried the ark of the covenant: and they are there until this present day. |
10 Meanwhile, such was the divine command Josue had received through Moses, the priests must stand there in the river-bed till all was over. So the people marched on speedily enough; |
10 Sacerdotes autem qui portabant arcam, stabant in Jordanis medio, donec omnia complerentur, quæ Josue, ut loqueretur ad populum, præceperat Dominus, et dixerat ei Moyses. Festinavitque populus, et transiit. |
10 Now the priests that carried the ark, stood in the midst of the Jordan till all things were accomplished which the Lord had commanded Josue to speak to the people, and Moses had said to him. And the people made haste and passed over. |
11 not till all had reached the other side could the ark of the Lord cross, and the priests take their place at the head of the people. |
11 Cumque transissent omnes, transivit et arca Domini, sacerdotesque pergebant ante populum. |
11 And when they had all passed over, the ark also of the Lord passed over, and the priests went before the people. |
12 Ruben and Gad and half Manasses must send their warriors in the van of Israel, as Moses bade them; |
12 Filii quoque Ruben, et Gad, et dimidia tribus Manasse, armati præcedebant filios Israël, sicut eis præceperat Moyses: |
12 The children of Ruben also and Gad, and half the tribe of Manasses, went armed before the children of Israel as Moses had commanded them. |
13 company after company, file after file, these in their turn went past, forty thousand fighting men, into the level plain that lies before the city of Jericho. |
13 et quadraginta pugnatorum millia per turmas, et cuneos, incedebant per plana atque campestria urbis Jericho. |
13 And forty thousand fighting men by their troops, and bands, marched through the plains and fields of the city of Jericho. |
14 That day, the Lord would win renown for Josue for all Israel to see; he was to be feared as Moses was feared in life. |
14 In die illo magnificavit Dominus Josue coram omni Israël, ut timerent eum, sicut timuerant Moysen, dum adviveret. |
14 In that day the Lord magnified Josue in the sight of all Israel, that they should fear him, as they had feared Moses, while he lived. |
15 And now the Lord had a fresh command for him, |
15 Dixitque ad eum: |
15 And he said to him: |
16 Bid the priests that are carrying the ark come out of the Jordan. |
16 Præcipe sacerdotibus, qui portant arcam fœderis, ut ascendant de Jordane. |
16 Command the priests, that carry the ark of the covenant, to come up out of the Jordan. |
17 The word was given, and they came up, carrying the ark with them; |
17 Qui præcepit eis, dicens: Ascendite de Jordane. |
17 And he commanded them, saying: Come ye up out of the Jordan. |
18 and no sooner had they set foot on dry ground than the stream filled its bed again, flowing past as before. |
18 Cumque ascendissent portantes arcam fœderis Domini, et siccam humum calcare cœpissent, reversæ sunt aquæ in alveum suum, et fluebant sicut ante consueverant. |
18 And when they that carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, were come up, and began to tread on the dry ground, the waters returned into their channel, and ran as they were wont before. |
19 On the tenth day of the first month the people left Jordan behind them, and encamped at Galgal, east of the city of Jericho. |
19 Populus autem ascendit de Jordane decimo die mensis primi, et castrametati sunt in Galgalis contra orientalem plagam urbis Jericho. |
19 And the people came up out of the Jordan, the tenth day of the first month, and camped in Galgal, over against the east side of the city of Jericho. |
20 Here, at Galgal, Josue set up the twelve stones they had taken out of the river-bed. |
20 Duodecim quoque lapides, quos de Jordanis alveo sumpserant, posuit Josue in Galgalis, |
20 And the twelve stones which they had taken out of the channel of the Jordan, Josue pitched in Galgal, |
21 And he said to the Israelites, It will not be long before sons are asking their fathers the question, What is the meaning of these stones? |
21 et dixit ad filios Israël: Quando interrogaverint filii vestri cras patres suos, et dixerint eis: Quid sibi volunt lapides isti? |
21 And said to the children of Israel: When your children shall ask their fathers, to morrow, and shall say to them: What mean these stones? |
22 And you will hand on the lesson to them: Israel once crossed over Jordan yonder dry-shod. |
22 docebitis eos, atque dicetis: Per arentem alveum transivit Israël Jordanem istum, |
22 You shall teach them and say: Israel passed over this Jordan through the dry channel. |
23 The Lord your God dried up its waters in full view of Israel, to let them pass over, |
23 siccante Domino Deo vestro aquas ejus in conspectu vestro, donec transiretis, |
23 The Lord your God drying up the waters thereof in your sight, until you passed over: |
24 just as in earlier times he dried up the Red Sea, when it lay in our path. |
24 sicut fecerat prius in mari Rubro, quod siccavit donec transiremus: |
24 As he had done before in the Red Sea, which he dried up till we passed through: |
25 So all the nations of the world were to learn how strong the power of the Lord is, and you too should fear the Lord your God continually. |
25 ut discant omnes terrarum populi fortissimam Domini manum, ut et vos timeatis Dominum Deum vestrum omni tempore. |
25 That all the people of the earth may learn the most mighty hand of the Lord, that you also may fear the Lord your God for ever. |