The Second Book of Esdras, Alias Nehemias — Liber Nehemiæ
Chapter 3
Knox Bible> | <Douay-Rheims> | <Vulgate |
1 Up rose the high priest Eliasib, and his priestly brethren with him, and rebuilt the Shepherds’ Gate; handselled it, and set up its doors, handselled the work all the way to Hundred-cubit Tower, all the way to the Tower of Hananeel. |
1 Then Eliasib the high priest arose, and his brethren the priests, and they built the flock gate: they sanctified it, and set up the doors thereof, even unto the tower of a hundred cubits they sanctified it unto the tower of Hananeel. |
1 Et surrexit Eliasib sacerdos magnus, et fratres ejus sacerdotes, et ædificaverunt portam gregis: ipsi sanctificaverunt eam, et statuerunt valvas ejus, et usque ad turrim centum cubitorum sanctificaverunt eam, usque ad turrim Hananeel. |
2 Next to him toiled, on this side, the men of Jericho; toiled, on that side, Zachur the son of Amri. |
2 And next to him the men of Jericho built: and next to them built Zachur the son of Amri. |
2 Et juxta eum ædificaverunt viri Jericho: et juxta eum ædificavit Zachur filius Amri. |
3 The Fishmongers’ Gate was restored by the sons of Asnaa, coping and doors, bolts and bars; then came Marimuth, son of Urias, son of Accus, |
3 But the fish gate the sons of Asnaa built: they covered it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars. And next to them built Marimuth the son of Urias the son of Accus. |
3 Portam autem piscium ædificaverunt filii Asnaa: ipsi texerunt eam, et statuerunt valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes. Et juxta eos ædificavit Marimuth filius Uriæ, filii Accus. |
4 then Mosollam, son of Barachias, son of Mesezebel; then Sadoc, son of Baana; |
4 And next to him built Mosollam the son of Barachias, the son of Merezebel, and next to them built Sadoc the son of Baana. |
4 Et juxta eum ædificavit Mosollam filius Barachiæ, filii Mesezebel: et juxta eos ædificavit Sadoc filius Baana. |
5 then the folk of Thecue, though never a shoulder did their chieftains put to the Lord’s work. |
5 And next to them the Thecuites built: but their great men did not put their necks to the work of their Lord. |
5 Et juxta eos ædificaverunt Thecueni: optimates autem eorum non supposuerunt colla sua in opere Domini sui. |
6 The Old Gate was restored by Joiada son of Phasea and Mosollam son of Besodia, coping and doors, bolts and bars; |
6 And Joiada the son of Phasea, and Mosollam the son of Besodia built the old gate: they covered it and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars. |
6 Et portam veterem ædificaverunt Jojada filius Phasea, et Mosollam filius Besodia: ipsi texerunt eam, et statuerunt valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes. |
7 then came Meltias of Gabaon and Jadon the Meronathite, (and the) men of Gabaon and Maspha, but they were working for the governor of the country beyond Euphrates; |
7 And next to them built Meltias the Gabaonite, and Jadon the Meronathite, the men of Gabaon and Maspha, for the governor that was in the country beyond the river. |
7 Et juxta eos ædificaverunt Meltias Gabaonites, et Jadon Meronathites, viri de Gabaon et Maspha, pro duce qui erat in regione trans flumen. |
8 then Eziel son of Araia, of the gold-merchants, then Ananias, of the apothecaries; these let out Jerusalem as far as the wall round the open square. |
8 And next to him built Eziel the son of Araia the goldsmith: and next to him built Ananias the son of the perfumer: and they left Jerusalem unto the wall of the broad street. |
8 Et juxta eum ædificavit Eziel filius Araia aurifex: et juxta eum ædificavit Ananias filius pigmentarii: et dimiserunt Jerusalem usque ad murum plateæ latioris. |
9 Then came Raphaia, son of Hur, that was in charge of a whole district of the city; |
9 And next to him built Raphaia the son of Hur, lord of the street of Jerusalem. |
9 Et juxta eum ædificavit Raphaia filius Hur, princeps vici Jerusalem. |
10 then Jedaia, son of Haromaph, for the part abutting on his own house; then Hattus, son of Hasebonias. |
10 And next to him Jedaia the son of Haromaph over against his own house: and next to him built Hattus the son of Hasebonia. |
10 Et juxta eum ædificavit Jedaia filius Haromaph contra domum suam: et juxta eum ædificavit Hattus filius Haseboniæ. |
11 Half of that district of the city, with the Furnace Tower, was restored by Melchias, son of Herem and, next to him, Hasub of the clan of Phahath-Moab; |
11 Melchias the son of Herem, and Hasub the son of Phahath Moab, built half the street, and the tower of the furnaces. |
11 Mediam partem vici ædificavit Melchias filius Herem, et Hasub filius Phahath Moab, et turrim furnorum. |
12 next him again came Sellum son of Alohes, that had half one of the districts of Jerusalem in his charge, and his daughters with him. |
12 And next to him built Sellum the son of Alohes, lord of half the street of Jerusalem, he and his daughters. |
12 Et juxta eum ædificavit Sellum filius Alohes, princeps mediæ partis vici Jerusalem, ipse et filiæ ejus. |
13 The Valley Gate was restored by Hanun and the men of Zanoe, coping and doors, bolts and bars, and a thousand cubits of the wall besides, right up to the Scavengers’ Gate. |
13 And the gate of the valley Hanun built, and the inhabitants of Zanoe: they built it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and a thousand cubits in the wall unto the gate of the dunghill. |
13 Et portam vallis ædificavit Hanun, et habitatores Zanoë: ipsi ædificaverunt eam, et statuerunt valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes, et mille cubitos in muro usque ad portam sterquilinii. |
14 This was restored, bolt and bar and door, by Melchias son of Rechab, that had charge of the Bethacharam district; |
14 And the gate of the dunghill Melchias the son of Rechab built, lord of the street of Bethacharam: he built it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars. |
14 Et portam sterquilinii ædificavit Melchias filius Rechab, princeps vici Bethacharam: ipse ædificavit eam, et statuit valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes. |
15 and the Gate of the Well by Sellum son of Cholhoza, chief of the Maspha district; coping and door and bolt and bar he finished it, built the wall, too, of Siloe pool right up to the royal garden, and to the steps that lead down from David’s Keep. |
15 And the gate of the fountain Sellum the son of Cholhoza built, lord of the street of Maspha: he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and the walls of the pool of Siloe unto the king’s guard, and unto the steps that go down from the city of David. |
15 Et portam fontis ædificavit Sellum filius Cholhoza, princeps pagi Maspha: ipse ædificavit eam, et texit, et statuit valvas ejus, et seras, et vectes, et muros piscinæ Siloë in hortum regis, et usque ad gradus qui descendunt de civitate David. |
16 Nehemias son of Azboc, that had half the district of Bethsur in his charge, restored as far as David’s tomb, and the artificial pool, and the House of the Heroes. |
16 After him built Nehemias the son of Azboc, lord of half the street of Bethsur, as far as over against the sepulchre of David, and to the pool, that was built with great labour, and to the house of the mighty. |
16 Post eum ædificavit Nehemias filius Azboc, princeps dimidiæ partis vici Bethsur, usque contra sepulchrum David, et usque ad piscinam quæ grandi opere constructa est, et usque ad domum fortium. |
17 Then came the Levites … Rehum son of Benni; then Hesebias, along that part of the Ceila district which was in his charge; |
17 After him built the Levites, Rehum the son of Benni. After him built Hasebias, lord of half the street of Ceila in his own street. |
17 Post eum ædificaverunt Levitæ, Rehum filius Benni: post eum ædificavit Hasebias princeps dimidiæ partis vici Ceilæ in vico suo. |
18 then their brethren … Bavai son of Enadad, who had charge of the rest of the Ceila district … |
18 After him built their brethren Bavai the son of Enadad, lord of half Ceila. |
18 Post eum ædificaverunt fratres eorum: Bavai filius Enadad, princeps dimidiæ partis Ceilæ: |
19 Then came a second length of wall restored by Azer son of Josue, that was chieftain at Maspha, where the steps go up by the great bastion; |
19 And next to him Aser the son of Josue, lord of Maspha, built another measure, over against the going up of the strong corner. |
19 et ædificavit juxta eum Azer filius Josue, princeps Maspha, mensuram secundam, contra ascensum firmissimi anguli. |
20 another second length by Baruch son of Zachai, from the bastion up to the door of the house where the high priest Eliasib lived; |
20 After him in the mount Baruch the son of Zachai built another measure, from the corner to the door of the house of Eliasib the high priest. |
20 Post eum in monte ædificavit Baruch filius Zachai mensuram secundam, ab angulo usque ad portam domus Eliasib sacerdotis magni. |
21 and another by Merimuth son of Urias son of Accus, from the door all along the side of the house. |
21 After him Merimuth the son of Urias the son of Haccus, built another measure, from the door of the house of Eliasib, to the end of the house of Eliasib. |
21 Post eum ædificavit Merimuth filius Uriæ filii Haccus, mensuram secundam, a porta domus Eliasib, donec extenderetur domus Eliasib. |
22 Then came some of the priests, men that dwelt in the plains of Jordan, |
22 And after him built the priests, the men of the plains of the Jordan. |
22 Et post eum ædificaverunt sacerdotes, viri de campestribus Jordanis. |
23 then Benjamin and Hasub for the part opposite their house, then Azarias, son of Maasias, son of Ananias, for the part opposite his. |
23 After him built Benjamin and Hasub, over against their own house: and after him built Azarias the son of Maasias the son of Ananias over against his house. |
23 Post eum ædificavit Benjamin et Hasub contra domum suam: et post eum ædificavit Azarias filius Maasiæ filii Ananiæ contra domum suam. |
24 Then Bennui son of Enadad built a second length, from the house of Ananias to the corner where the wall turns; |
24 After him built Bennui the son of Hanadad another measure, from the house of Azarias unto the bending, and unto the corner. |
24 Post eum ædificavit Bennui filius Henadad mensuram secundam, a domo Azariæ usque ad flexuram, et usque ad angulum. |
25 then came Phalel, son of Ozi, for the part by the corner itself and the high tower of the royal palace that looks out on the prison yard; then Phadaia, son of Pharos, |
25 Phalel, the son of Ozi, over against the bending and the tower, which lieth out from the king’s high house, that is, in the court of the prison: after him Phadaia the son of Pharos. |
25 Phalel filius Ozi contra flexuram, et turrim quæ eminet de domo regis excelsa, id est, in atrio carceris: post eum Phadaia filius Pharos. |
26 and the Nathinaeans (who) lived in the Ophel quarter, for the part by the eastern water-gate, and the jutting tower. |
26 And the Nathinites dwelt in Ophel, as far as over against the water gate toward the east, and the tower that stood out. |
26 Nathinæi autem habitabant in Ophel usque contra portam aquarum ad orientem, et turrim quæ prominebat. |
27 Then the men of Thecue built a second length on the other side, from the great jutting tower to the temple wall. |
27 After him the Thecuites built another measure over against, from the great tower that standeth out unto the wall of the temple. |
27 Post eum ædificaverunt Thecueni mensuram secundam e regione, a turre magna et eminente usque ad murum templi. |
28 All the way up from the Stable Gate the priests restored, each along the front of his own house. |
28 And upward from the horse gate the priests built, every man over against his house. |
28 Sursum autem a porta equorum ædificaverunt sacerdotes, unusquisque contra domum suam. |
29 Then came Sadoc the son of Emmer, opposite his own house, then Semaia son of Sechenias, that had charge of the eastern gate; |
29 After them built Sadoc the son of Emmer over against his house. And after him built Semaia the son of Sechenias, keeper of the east gate. |
29 Post eos ædificavit Sadoc filius Emmer contra domum suam. Et post eum ædificavit Semaia filius Secheniæ, custos portæ orientalis. |
30 then Hanania, son of Selemias, then Hanun, the sixth son of Seleph, a second length, then Mosollam son of Barachias, opposite his store-room, then Melchias, of the goldsmiths, past where the Nathinaeans and the chapmen lived, opposite the Judgement Gate, right up to the room in the wall corner. |
30 After him built Hanania the son of Selemia, and Hanun the sixth son of Seleph, another measure: after him built Mosollam the son of Barachias over against his treasury. After him Melcias the goldsmith’s son built unto the house of the Nathinites, and of the sellers of small wares, over against the judgment gate, and unto the chamber of the corner. |
30 Post eum ædificavit Hanania filius Selemiæ, et Hanun filius Seleph sextus, mensuram secundam: post eum ædificavit Mosollam filius Barachiæ, contra gazophylacium suum. Post eum ædificavit Melchias filius aurificis usque ad domum Nathinæorum, et scruta vendentium contra portam judicialem, et usque ad cœnaculum anguli. |
31 And from the room in the wall corner back to the Shepherds’ Gate, the restoration was done by the goldsmiths and by the merchants. |
31 And within the chamber of the corner of the flock gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants built. |
31 Et inter cœnaculum anguli in porta gregis, ædificaverunt aurifices et negotiatores. |