The Prophecy of Osee — Prophetia Osee
Chapter 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Vulgate><Douay-Rheims><Knox Bible
Pereat Samaria, quoniam ad amaritudinem concitavit Deum suum! in gladio pereant, parvuli eorum elidantur, et fœtæ ejus discindantur!
Let Samaria perish, because she hath stirred up her God to bitterness: let them perish by the sword, let their little ones be dashed, and let the women with child be ripped up.
Death to Samaria, that has provoked her God’s anger! Death at the sword’s point; children dashed headlong, ripped open the womb!
Convertere, Israël, ad Dominum Deum tuum, quoniam corruisti in iniquitate tua.
Return, O Israel, to the Lord thy God: for thou hast fallen down by thy iniquity.
Come back, Israel, to the Lord thy God; it is sin that has caused thy overthrow.
Tollite vobiscum verba, et convertimini ad Dominum; et dicite ei: Omnem aufer iniquitatem, accipe bonum, et reddemus vitulos labiorum nostrorum.
Take with you words, and return to the Lord, and say to him: Take away all iniquity, and receive the good: and we will render the calves of our lips.
Come back, men of Israel, with a plea ready on your lips: Pardon all our guilt, and take the best we have in return; the praises we utter shall be our victims now.
Assur non salvabit nos: super equum non ascendemus, nec dicemus ultra, Dii nostri opera manuum nostrarum: quia ejus, qui in te est, misereberis pupilli.
Assyria shall not save us, we will not ride upon horses, neither will we say any more: The works of our hands are our gods, for thou wilt have mercy on the fatherless that is in thee.
No longer we will find refuge in Assyrian help, mount our men on horses from Egypt; no longer will we give the name of gods to the things our own hands have made; thou art the friend of the friendless who trust in thee.
Sanabo contritiones eorum; diligam eos spontanee: quia aversus est furor meus ab eis.
I will heal their breaches, I will love them freely: for my wrath is turned away from them.
I will bring healing to their crushed spirits; in free mercy I will give them back my love; my vengeance has passed them by.
Ero quasi ros; Israël germinabit sicut lilium, et erumpet radix ejus ut Libani.
I will be as the dew, Israel shall spring as the lily, and his root shall shoot forth as that of Libanus.
I will be morning dew, to make Israel grow as the lilies grow, strike roots deep as the forest of Lebanon.
Ibunt rami ejus, et erit quasi oliva gloria ejus, et odor ejus ut Libani.
His branches shall spread, and his glory shall be as the olive tree: and his smell as that of Libanus.
Those branches shall spread, it shall become fair as the olive, fragrant as Lebanon cedar.
Convertentur sedentes in umbra ejus; vivent tritico, et germinabunt quasi vinea; memoriale ejus sicut vinum Libani.
They shall be converted that sit under his shadow: they shall live upon wheat, and they shall blossom as a vine: his memorial shall be as the wine of Libanus.
None that dwells under the protection of that name but shall come back to me; corn shall be theirs in plenty, and they will grow like one of their own vineyards, famed as the vintage of Lebanon itself.
Ephraim, quid mihi ultra idola? Ego exaudiam, et dirigam eum ego ut abietem virentem; ex me fructus tuus inventus est.
Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I will hear him, and I will make him flourish like a green fir tree: from me is thy fruit found.
The false gods of Ephraim are forgotten; mine to answer his prayer and tend him, ever-green as a fir-tree; from me all thy increase comes.
Quis sapiens, et intelliget ista? intelligens, et sciet hæc? quia rectæ viæ Domini, et justi ambulabunt in eis; prævaricatores vero corruent in eis.
Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know these things? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall in them.
All this the wise discern, the thoughtful understand; straight paths the Lord has shewn us for his friends to walk in; who leaves them shall stumble to his ruin.