The First Book of Paralipomenon — Liber Primus Paralipomenon
Chapter 3
Douay-Rheims> | <Knox Bible> | <Vulgate |
1 Now these were the sons of David that were born to him in Hebron: the firstborn Amnon of Achinoam the Jezrahelitess, the second Daniel of Abigail the Carmelitess. |
1 And these are the names of David’s sons. At Hebron, Achinoam the Jezrahelite gave birth to his first-born, Amnon, Abigail of Carmel to Daniel, |
1 David vero hos habuit filios, qui ei nati sunt in Hebron: primogenitum Amnon ex Achinoam Jezrahelitide, secundum Daniel de Abigail Carmelitide, |
2 The third Absalom the son of Maacha the daughter of Tolmai king of Gessur, the fourth Adonias the son of Aggith, |
2 Maacha daughter of Tholmai, king of Gessur, to Absalom, Aggith to Adonias, |
2 tertium Absalom filium Maacha filiæ Tholmai regis Gessur, quartum Adoniam filium Aggith, |
3 The fifth Saphatias of Abital, the sixth Jethrahem of Egla his wife. |
3 Abital to Saphatias, and Egla, that was also one of his wives, to Jethraham. |
3 quintum Saphathiam ex Abital, sextum Jethraham de Egla uxore sua. |
4 So six sons were born to him in Hebron, where he reigned seven years and six months. And in Jerusalem he reigned three and thirty years. |
4 Thus six sons were born to him during the seven years and six months of his reign at Hebron; during his thirty-three years at Jerusalem |
4 Sex ergo nati sunt ei in Hebron, ubi regnavit septem annis et sex mensibus. Triginta autem et tribus annis regnavit in Jerusalem. |
5 And these sons were born to him in Jerusalem: Simmaa, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, four of Bethsabee the daughter of Ammiel. |
5 Bethsabee, daughter of Ammiel, bore him four sons, Simmaa, Sobab, Nathan and Solomon; |
5 Porro in Jerusalem nati sunt ei filii, Simmaa, et Sobab, et Nathan, et Salomon, quatuor de Bethsabee filia Ammiel: |
6 Jebaar also and Elisama, |
6 he also begot Jebaar, Elisama, |
6 Jebaar quoque et Elisama, |
7 And Eliphaleth, and Noge, and Nepheg, and Japhia, |
7 (Elipheleth), Noge, Nepheg, Japhia, |
7 et Eliphaleth, et Noge, et Nepheg, et Japhia, |
8 And Elisama, and Eliada, and Elipheleth, nine: |
8 (Elisama), Eliada and Elipheleth, nine in all. |
8 necnon Elisama, et Eliada, et Elipheleth, novem: |
9 All these the sons of David, beside the sons of the concubines: and they had a sister Thamar. |
9 All these, with their sister Thamar, were David’s children, and he had others by his concubines. |
9 omnes hi, filii David absque filiis concubinarum: habueruntque sororem Thamar. |
10 And Solomon’s son was Roboam: whose son Abia begot Asa. And his son was Josaphat, |
10 From Solomon, the succession went from father to son, through Roboam, Abia, Asa, Josaphat, |
10 Filius autem Salomonis, Roboam: cujus Abia filius genuit Asa. De hoc quoque natus est Josaphat, |
11 The father of Joram: and Joram begot Ochozias, of whom was born Joas: |
11 Joram, Ochozias, Joas, |
11 pater Joram: qui Joram genuit Ochoziam, ex quo ortus est Joas: |
12 And his son Amasias begot Azarias. And Joathan the son of Azarias |
12 Amasias, Azarias, Joathan, |
12 et hujus Amasias filius genuit Azariam. Porro Azariæ filius Joatham |
13 Begot Achaz, the father of Ezechias, of whom was born Manasses. |
13 Achaz, Ezechias, Manasses |
13 procreavit Achaz patrem Ezechiæ, de quo natus est Manasses. |
14 And Manasses begot Amon the father of Josias. |
14 and Amon to Josias. |
14 Sed et Manasses genuit Amon patrem Josiæ. |
15 And the sons of Josias were, the firstborn Johanan, the second Joakim, the third Sedecias, the fourth Sellum. |
15 Josias had four sons, Johanan, Joakim, Sedecias and Sellum. |
15 Filii autem Josiæ fuerunt: primogenitus Johanan, secundus Joakim, tertius Sedecias, quartus Sellum. |
16 Of Joakim was born Jechonias, and Sedecias. |
16 Joakim had two sons, Jechonias and Sedecias, |
16 De Joakim natus est Jechonias, et Sedecias. |
17 The sons of Jechonias were Asir, Salathiel, |
17 and Jechonias was father of Asir, Salathiel, |
17 Filii Jechoniæ fuerunt: Asir, Salathiel, |
18 Melchiram, Phadaia, Senneser and Jecemia, Sama, and Nadabia. |
18 Melchiram, Phadaia, Senneser, Jecemia, Sama and Nadabia. |
18 Melchiram, Phadaia, Senneser, et Jecemia, Sama, et Nadabia. |
19 Of Phadaia were born Zorobabel and Semei. Zorobabel begot Mosollam, Hananias, and Salomith their sister: |
19 Phadaia again had two sons, Zorobabel and Semei, and Zorobabel was father of Mosollam, Hananias and a daughter, Salomith; |
19 De Phadaia orti sunt Zorobabel et Semei. Zorobabel genuit Mosollam, Hananiam, et Salomith sororem eorum: |
20 Hasaba also, and Ohol, and Barachias, and Hasadias, Josabhesed, five. |
20 besides five others, Hasaba, Ohol, Barachias, Hasadias, and Josabhesed. |
20 Hasaban quoque, et Ohol, et Barachian, et Hasadian, Josabhesed, quinque. |
21 And the son of Hananias was Phaltias the father of Jeseias, whose son was Raphaia. And his son was Arnan, of whom was born Obdia, whose son was Sechenias. |
21 From Hananias, through Phaltias, Jeseias, Raphaia, Arnan, Obdia, and Sechenias, |
21 Filius autem Hananiæ, Phaltias pater Jeseiæ, cujus filius Raphaia: hujus quoque filius, Arnan, de quo natus est Obdia, cujus filius fuit Sechenias. |
22 The son of Sechenias, was Semeia, whose sons were Hattus, and Jegaal, and Baria, and Naaria, and Saphat, six in number. |
22 came Semeia, the father of six sons, Hattus, Jegaal, Baria, Naaria … and Saphat. |
22 Filius Secheniæ, Semeia: cujus filii Hattus, et Jegaal, et Baria, et Naaria, et Saphat, sex numero. |
23 The sons of Naaria, Elioenai, and Ezechias, and Ezricam, three. |
23 Naaria had three sons, Elioenai, Ezechias and Ezricam, |
23 Filius Naariæ, Elioënai, et Ezechias, et Ezricam, tres. |
24 The sons of Elioenai, Oduia, and Eliasub, and Pheleia, and Accub, and Johanan, and Dalaia, and Anani, seven. |
24 and of these Elioenai had seven sons, Oduia, Eliasub, Pheleia, Accub, Johanan, Dalaia and Anani. |
24 Filii Elioënai, Oduia, et Eliasub, et Pheleia, et Accub, et Johanan, et Dalaia, et Anani, septem. |