The Prophecy of Jeremias — Prophetia Jeremiæ
Chapter 7
Knox Bible><Douay-Rheims><Vulgate
A message came from the Lord to Jeremias,
The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord, saying:
Verbum quod factum est ad Jeremiam a Domino, dicens:
bidding him take his stand at the temple gate, and there proclaim aloud: Listen to this word of the Lord, men of Juda, that make your way in through these gates to worship him.
Stand in the gate of the house of the Lord, and proclaim there this word, and say: Hear ye the word of the Lord, all ye men of Juda, that enter in at these gates, to adore the Lord.
Sta in porta domus Domini, et prædica ibi verbum istud, et dic: Audite verbum Domini, omnis Juda, qui ingredimini per portas has ut adoretis Dominum.
Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your lives and your likings, if you would have me dwell here among you.
Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Make your ways and your doings good: and I will dwell with you in this place.
Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Bonas facite vias vestras, et studia vestra, et habitabo vobiscum in loco isto.
Trust never in the false assurances that proclaim this place The Lord’s temple, The Lord’s temple, The Lord’s temple.
Trust not in lying words, saying: The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, it is the temple of the Lord.
Nolite confidere in verbis mendacii, dicentes: Templum Domini, templum Domini, templum Domini est!
Will you but amend your lives and your likings, giving one man redress against another,
For if you will order well your ways, and your doings: if you will execute judgment between a man and his neighbour,
Quoniam si bene direxeritis vias vestras, et studia vestra; si feceritis judicium inter virum et proximum ejus;
not oppressing the alien, the orphan, the widow, nor in these precincts putting innocent men to death, nor courting, to your ruin, the gods of other nations,
If you oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, and walk not after strange gods to your own hurt,
advenæ, et pupillo, et viduæ non feceritis calumniam, nec sanguinem innocentem effuderitis in loco hoc, et post deos alienos non ambulaveritis in malum vobismetipsis:
then indeed I will make my dwelling here among you, in the land which was my gift to your fathers from the beginning to the end of time.
I will dwell with you in this place: in the land, which I gave to your fathers from the beginning and for evermore.
habitabo vobiscum in loco isto, in terra quam dedi patribus vestris a sæculo et usque in sæculum.
You put your trust in flattering hopes, which can nothing avail you;
Behold you put your trust in lying words, which shall not profit you:
Ecce vos confiditis vobis in sermonibus mendacii, qui non proderunt vobis:
theft, murder, adultery, the false oath, libations to Baal, the courting of alien gods that are no gods of yours, nothing comes amiss,
To steal, to murder, to commit adultery, to swear falsely, to offer to Baalim, and to go after strange gods, which you know not.
furari, occidere, adulterari, jurare mendaciter, libare Baalim, et ire post deos alienos quos ignoratis:
if only you can come and stand in my presence, here in this house, the shrine of my name, and tell yourselves you have made amends for all these your detestable doings!
And you have come, and stood before me in this house, in which my name is called upon, and have said: We are delivered, because we have done all these abominations.
et venistis, et stetistis coram me in domo hac, in qua invocatum est nomen meum, et dixistis: Liberati sumus, eo quod fecerimus omnes abominationes istas.
What, does this house, the shrine of such a name, count for no more than a den of thieves, in eyes like yours? Think you, the Lord says, that eternal God has no eyes to see it?
Is this house then, in which my name hath been called upon, in your eyes become a den of robbers? I, I am he: I have seen it, saith the Lord.
Numquid ergo spelunca latronum facta est domus ista, in qua invocatum est nomen meum in oculis vestris? Ego, ego sum: ego vidi, dicit Dominus.
Go and visit that sanctuary of mine at Silo, where of old my power rested; look well, what havoc I have made of it, to punish the misdeeds of Israel, that was my people too.
Go ye to my place in Silo, where my name dwelt from the beginning: and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel:
Ite ad locum meum in Silo, ubi habitavit nomen meum a principio, et videte quæ fecerim ei propter malitiam populi mei Israël.
Because of so much done amiss, the Lord says; because you would not listen when I cried early at your doors, or answer any call of mine;
And now, because you have done all these works, saith the Lord: and I have spoken to you rising up early, and speaking, and you have not heard: and I have called you, and you have not answered:
Et nunc, quia fecistis omnia opera hæc, dicit Dominus, et locutus sum ad vos mane consurgens, et loquens, et non audistis: et vocavi vos, et non respondistis:
this house, shrine of my name and centre of your hopes, this home I gave to you and to your fathers, shall fare as Silo fared.
I will do to this house, in which my name is called upon, and in which you trust, and to the place which I have given you and your fathers, as I did to Silo.
faciam domui huic, in qua invocatum est nomen meum, et in qua vos habetis fiduciam, et loco quem dedi vobis et patribus vestris, sicut feci Silo:
All those brethren of yours, the whole stock of Ephraim, I banished from my presence, and you shall be banished in your turn.
And I will cast you away from before my face, as I have cast away all your brethren, the whole seed of Ephraim.
et projiciam vos a facie mea sicut projeci omnes fratres vestros, universum semen Ephraim.
Nor do thou, Jeremias, think to plead for this people of mine, or take up in their name the burden of praise and prayer; thwart my will, thou shalt have no hearing.
Therefore do not thou pray for this people, nor take to thee praise and supplication for them: and do not withstand me: for I will not hear thee.
Tu ergo, noli orare pro populo hoc, nec assumas pro eis laudem et orationem: et non obsistas mihi, quia non exaudiam te.
Canst thou not see for thyself what ill deeds are done in the townships of Juda, in the very streets of Jerusalem?
Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem?
Nonne vides quid isti faciunt in civitatibus Juda, et in plateis Jerusalem?
See the children gathering sticks, the father lighting a fire, the mother kneading dough, and all to make cakes for the queen of heaven! See how they offer libation to alien gods, to despite me!
The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to offer libations to strange gods, and to provoke me to anger.
Filii colligunt ligna, et patres succendunt ignem, et mulieres conspergunt adipem, ut faciant placentas reginæ cæli, et libent diis alienis, et me ad iracundiam provocent.
Yet not to me they do despite, the Lord says, rather to themselves; every hope of theirs shall fail them.
Do they provoke me to anger, saith the Lord? is it not themselves, to the confusion of their own countenance?
Numquid me ad iracundiam provocant? dicit Dominus; nonne semetipsos in confusionem vultus sui?
This warning, then, the Lord God sends them: Fury and indignation of mine are brewing against this place, man and beast, woodland tree and growing crop; and when that fire is lit, there shall be no quenching it.
Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold my wrath and my indignation is enkindled against this place, upon men and upon beasts, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruits of the land, and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched.
Ideo hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce furor meus et indignatio mea conflatur super locum istum, super viros, et super jumenta, et super lignum regionis, et super fruges terræ: et succendetur, et non extinguetur.
A message from the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: No more be at pains to distinguish between burnt-sacrifice and offering; use for your own eating the flesh of all alike!
Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices, and eat ye the flesh.
Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Holocautomata vestra addite victimis vestris, et comedite carnes:
Burnt-sacrifices, offerings, not of these was my theme when I gave commandments to your fathers at the time of their deliverance from Egypt;
For I spoke not to your fathers, and I commanded them not, in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning the matter of burnt offerings and sacrifices.
quia non sum locutus cum patribus vestris, et non præcepi eis, in die qua eduxi eos de terra Ægypti, de verbo holocautomatum et victimarum:
my word of command to them was, Obey my bidding, if I am to be your God, you my people; follow the path I have marked out for you, as you hope to prosper.
But this thing I commanded them, saying: Hearken to my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people: and walk ye in all the way that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.
sed hoc verbum præcepi eis, dicens: Audite vocem meam, et ero vobis Deus, et vos eritis mihi populus: et ambulate in omni via quam mandavi vobis, ut bene sit vobis.
And did they listen? Hearing they gave me none; their own whim, the false aim of their corrupt hearts was all the rule they lived by; still turned their backs on me, and refused to look my way;
But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear: but walked in their own will, and in the perversity of their wicked heart: and went backward and not forward,
Et non audierunt, nec inclinaverunt aurem suam: sed abierunt in voluntatibus et in pravitate cordis sui mali: factique sunt retrorsum, et non in ante,
so it has been since your fathers left Egypt, so it is yet. No day dawned but I was at work betimes, sending my servants to prophesy to them,
From the day that their fathers came out of the land of Egypt, even to this day. And I have sent to you all my servants the prophets from day to day, rising up early and sending.
a die qua egressi sunt patres eorum de terra Ægypti usque ad diem hanc. Et misi ad vos omnes servos meos prophetas per diem, consurgens diluculo, et mittens:
but still they would not listen, still hearing they gave me none; stubborn under my yoke, they outdid their own fathers in wickedness.
And they have not hearkened to me: nor inclined their ear: but have hardened their neck, and have done worse than their fathers.
et non audierunt me, nec inclinaverunt aurem suam: sed induraverunt cervicem suam, et pejus operati sunt quam patres eorum.
All this thou shalt say to them, but they will not listen to thee; thy call shall go unheeded.
And thou shalt speak to them all these words, but they will not hearken to thee: and thou shalt call them, but they will not answer thee.
Et loqueris ad eos omnia verba hæc, et non audient te: et vocabis eos, et non respondebunt tibi.
Then tell them, Here is a people who will not listen to the voice of their own God, or accept reproof from him; loyalty is dead, the word is on their lips no more.
And thou shalt say to them: This is a nation which hath not hearkened to the voice of the Lord their God, nor received instruction: faith is lost, and is taken away out of their mouth.
Et dices ad eos: Hæc est gens quæ non audivit vocem Domini Dei sui, nec recepit disciplinam; periit fides, et ablata est de ore eorum.
Cut off, Jerusalem, those locks of thine, and cast them away from thee; loud let the hills echo with thy lament; on a guilty age, the Lord has pronounced sentence of banishment and rejection.
Cut off thy hair, and cast it away: and take up a lamentation on high: for the Lord hath rejected, and forsaken the generation of his wrath,
Tonde capillum tuum, et projice, et sume in directum planctum: quia projecit Dominus et reliquit generationem furoris sui;
The men of Juda have defied my will, the Lord says; foul idols they have set up in the house that is the sanctuary of my name, and utterly profaned it;
Because the children of Juda have done evil in my eyes, saith the Lord. They have set their abominations in the house in which my name is called upon, to pollute it;
quia fecerunt filii Juda malum in oculis meis, dicit Dominus. Posuerunt offendicula sua in domo in qua invocatum est nomen meum, ut polluerent eam:
in the valley of Ben-Ennom stands the hill-shrine of Topheth, where they sacrifice their own sons and daughters in the furnace, a rite not of my bidding, not of my imagining.
And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Ennom, to burn their sons, and their daughters in the fire: which I commanded not, nor thought on in my heart.
et ædificaverunt excelsa Topheth, quæ est in valle filii Ennom, ut incenderent filios suos et filias suas igni, quæ non præcepi, nec cogitavi in corde meo.
And now, the Lord says, a time is coming when no more will be heard of Topheth or Ben-Ennom; it will be called The Valley of the Slain; men will be finding room for their dead in Topheth, because other burying-ground is none.
Therefore behold the days shall come, saith the Lord, and it shall no more be called Topheth, nor the valley of the son of Ennom: but the valley of slaughter: and they shall bury in Topheth, because there is no place.
Ideo ecce dies venient, dicit Dominus, et non dicetur amplius Topheth, et vallis filii Ennom, sed vallis interfectionis: et sepelient in Topheth, eo quod non sit locus.
Nay, Juda shall be carrion for birds that fly in air, for beasts that roam the earth; and never a man left to drive them away.
And the carcasses of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the air, and for the beasts of the earth, and there shall be none to drive them away.
Et erit morticinum populi hujus in cibos volucribus cæli et bestiis terræ, et non erit qui abigat.
In the townships of Juda, in the streets of Jerusalem, cries of joy and mirth shall be heard no more, voice of bridegroom and of bride shall be heard no more; the whole land will have turned into a wilderness.
And I will cause to cease out of the cities of Juda, and out of the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate.
Et quiescere faciam de urbibus Juda, et de plateis Jerusalem, vocem gaudii et vocem lætitiæ, vocem sponsi et vocem sponsæ: in desolationem enim erit terra.