The Book of Exodus — Liber Exodus
Chapter 1
Knox Bible> | <Vulgate> | <Douay-Rheims |
1 Here are the names of Israel’s sons; these were the men who betook themselves to Egypt, each with his family, when Jacob went there; |
1 Hæc sunt nomina filiorum Israël qui ingressi sunt in Ægyptum cum Jacob: singuli cum domibus suis introierunt: |
1 These are the names of the children of Israel, that went into Egypt with Jacob: they went in, every man with his household: |
2 Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, |
2 Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judas, |
2 Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, |
3 Issachar, Zabulon and Benjamin, |
3 Issachar, Zabulon et Benjamin, |
3 Issachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin, |
4 Dan and Nephthali, Gad and Aser. |
4 Dan et Nephthali, Gad et Aser. |
4 Dan, and Nephtali, Gad and Aser. |
5 There were seventy souls altogether that came from Jacob’s stock, but of these, Joseph was in Egypt already. |
5 Erant igitur omnes animæ eorum qui egressi sunt de femore Jacob, septuaginta: Joseph autem in Ægypto erat. |
5 And all the souls that came out of Jacob’s thigh, were seventy: but Joseph was in Egypt. |
6 When he and his brethren and all their next descendants were dead, |
6 Quo mortuo, et universis fratribus ejus, omnique cognatione illa, |
6 After he was dead, and all his brethren, and all that generation, |
7 the race of Israel grew into a teeming multitude, in such strength that the whole land was peopled with them. |
7 filii Israël creverunt, et quasi germinantes multiplicati sunt: ac roborati nimis, impleverunt terram. |
7 The children of Israel increased, and sprung up into multitudes, and growing exceedingly strong they filled the land. |
8 Meanwhile, a new king of Egypt had arisen, who knew nothing of Joseph. |
8 Surrexit interea rex novus super Ægyptum, qui ignorabat Joseph. |
8 In the mean time there arose a new king over Egypt, that knew not Joseph: |
9 See, he said to his people, how the race of the Israelites has grown, till they are stronger than we are. |
9 Et ait ad populum suum: Ecce, populus filiorum Israël multus, et fortior nobis est. |
9 And he said to his people: Behold the people of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger than we. |
10 We must go prudently about it and keep them down, or their numbers will grow; what if war threatens, and they make common cause with our enemies? They will get the better of us, and leave our country altogether. |
10 Venite, sapienter opprimamus eum, ne forte multiplicetur: et si ingruerit contra nos bellum, addatur inimicis nostris, expugnatisque nobis egrediatur de terra. |
10 Come, let us wisely oppress them, lest they multiply: and if any war shall rise against us, join with our enemies, and having overcome us, depart out of the land. |
11 So he made them answerable to officers of the public works, who laid crushing burdens on them, using them to build the store-cities of Phithom and Ramesses; |
11 Præposuit itaque eis magistros operum, ut affligerent eos oneribus: ædificaveruntque urbes tabernaculorum Pharaoni, Phithom et Ramesses. |
11 Therefore he set over them masters of the works, to afflict them with burdens, and they built for Pharao cities of tabernacles, Phithom, and Ramesses. |
12 but the more they were ill-treated, the more they bred and multiplied. |
12 Quantoque opprimebant eos, tanto magis multiplicabantur, et crescebant: |
12 But the more they oppressed them, the more they were multiplied, and increased: |
13 The Egyptians, in their abhorrence for the Israelites, oppressed and insulted them, |
13 oderantque filios Israël Ægyptii, et affligebant illudentes eis, |
13 And the Egyptians hated the children of Israel, and afflicted them and mocked them: |
14 making their lives a burden with drudgery in the clay-pit and the brick-kiln, drudgery, too, of all kinds in the cultivation of the land. |
14 atque ad amaritudinem perducebant vitam eorum operibus duris luti et lateris, omnique famulatu, quo in terræ operibus premebantur. |
14 And they made their life bitter with hard works in clay, and brick, and with all manner of service, wherewith they were overcharged in the works of the earth. |
15 Then the king of Egypt gave orders to Sephora and Phua, the midwives who attended the Hebrews; |
15 Dixit autem rex Ægypti obstetricibus Hebræorum, quarum una vocabatur Sephora, altera Phua, |
15 And the king of Egypt spoke to the midwives of the Hebrews: of whom one was called Sephora, the other Phua, |
16 When you are called in, he said, to attend the Hebrew women, and their time comes, kill the child if it is a boy; if it is a girl keep it alive. |
16 præcipiens eis: Quando obstetricabitis Hebræas, et partus tempus advenerit: si masculus fuerit, interficite eum: si femina, reservate. |
16 Commanding them: When you shall do the office of midwives to the Hebrew women, and the time of delivery is come: if it be a man child, kill it: if a woman, keep it alive. |
17 But these midwives feared the Lord, and would not carry out the commands of the king of Egypt; they kept the boys safe; |
17 Timuerunt autem obstetrices Deum, et non fecerunt juxta præceptum regis Ægypti, sed conservabant mares. |
17 But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded, but saved the men children. |
18 and when the king summoned them and asked, What do you mean by sparing the boys too? |
18 Quibus ad se accersitis, rex ait: Quidnam est hoc quod facere voluistis, ut pueros servaretis? |
18 And the king called for them and said: What is that you meant to do, that you would save the men children? |
19 they answered, The Hebrew women are not like those of Egypt; they are skilled in midwifery, and contrive to give birth before we reach them. |
19 Quæ responderunt: Non sunt Hebreæ sicut ægyptiæ mulieres: ipsæ enim obstetricandi habent scientiam, et priusquam veniamus ad eas, pariunt. |
19 They answered: The Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women: for they themselves are skilful in the office of a midwife; and they are delivered before we come to them. |
20 For this, God rewarded the midwives; while his people grew and attained great strength, |
20 Bene ergo fecit Deus obstetricibus: et crevit populus, confortatusque est nimis. |
20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied and grew exceedingly strong. |
21 he gave the midwives, too, families of their own, as women who feared God. |
21 Et quia timuerunt obstetrices Deum, ædificavit eis domos. |
21 And because the midwives feared God, he built them houses. |
22 And at last Pharao made a proclamation to the whole of his people: Whenever a male child is born, cast it into the river, keep only the girls alive. |
22 Præcepit ergo Pharao omni populo suo, dicens: Quidquid masculini sexus natum fuerit, in flumen projicite: quidquid feminini, reservate. |
22 Pharao therefore charged all his people, saying: Whatsoever shall be born of the male sex, ye shall cast into the river: whatsoever of the female, ye shall save alive. |