The Book of Job — Liber Job
Chapter 23
Knox Bible> | <Douay-Rheims> | <Vulgate |
1 But Job answered: |
1 Then Job answered, and said: |
1 Respondens autem Job, ait: |
2 And still I repine bitterly as ever, no groaning too heavy for the wounds I bear. |
2 Now also my words are in bitterness, and the hand of my scourge is more grievous than my mourning. |
2 Nunc quoque in amaritudine est sermo meus, et manus plagæ meæ aggravata est super gemitum meum. |
3 Ah, if I could but find my way to God, reach his very throne, |
3 Who will grant me that I might know and find him, and come even to his throne? |
3 Quis mihi tribuat ut cognoscam et inveniam illum, et veniam usque ad solium ejus? |
4 in reproachful accents plead my suit before him, |
4 I would set judgment before him, and would fill my mouth with complaints. |
4 Ponam coram eo judicium, et os meum replebo increpationibus: |
5 and learn what he would say in his defence, grasp the meaning of it! |
5 That I might know the words that he would answer me, and understand what he would say to me. |
5 ut sciam verba quæ mihi respondeat, et intelligam quid loquatur mihi. |
6 Will he match his strength with mine, use all his majestic power to crush me? |
6 I would not that he should contend with me with much strength, nor overwhelm me with the weight of his greatness. |
6 Nolo multa fortitudine contendat mecum, nec magnitudinis suæ mole me premat. |
7 The justice of my cause once made known to him, I should triumph at last. |
7 Let him propose equity against me, and let my judgment come to victory. |
7 Proponat æquitatem contra me, et perveniat ad victoriam judicium meum. |
8 But no; travel I east or west, I find no trace of him, |
8 But if I go to the east, he appeareth not; if to the west, I shall not understand him. |
8 Si ad orientem iero, non apparet; si ad occidentem, non intelligam eum. |
9 turn I north or south, I have no skill to catch sight of him. |
9 If to the left hand, what shall I do? I shall not take hold on him: if I turn myself to the right hand, I shall not see him. |
9 Si ad sinistram, quid agam? non apprehendam eum; si me vertam ad dexteram, non videbo illum. |
10 And he, all the while, keeps watch over my doings, tests me like gold the fire assays; |
10 But he knoweth my way, and has tried me as gold that passeth through the fire: |
10 Ipse vero scit viam meam, et probavit me quasi aurum quod per ignem transit. |
11 he knows how close I have kept to the path he traced for me, swerving never aside, |
11 My foot hath followed his steps, I have kept his way, and have not declined from it. |
11 Vestigia ejus secutus est pes meus: viam ejus custodivi, et non declinavi ex ea. |
12 true to every command of his, every utterance of his cherished in my heart. |
12 I have not departed from the commandments of his lips, and the words of his mouth I have hid in my bosom. |
12 A mandatis labiorum ejus non recessi, et in sinu meo abscondi verba oris ejus. |
13 But what of that? He reigns without a rival, none can cross his purposes; he does what likes him best. |
13 For he is alone, and no man can turn away his thought: and whatsoever his soul hath desired, that hath he done. |
13 Ipse enim solus est, et nemo avertere potest cogitationem ejus: et anima ejus quodcumque voluit, hoc fecit. |
14 His will once fully accomplished in me, he has many another like purpose to fulfil. |
14 And when he shall have fulfilled his will in me, many other like things are also at hand with him. |
14 Cum expleverit in me voluntatem suam, et alia multa similia præsto sunt ei. |
15 What wonder if I am all adread in his presence, if the thought of him racks me with terror? |
15 And therefore I am troubled at his presence, and when I consider him I am made pensive with fear. |
15 Et idcirco a facie ejus turbatus sum, et considerans eum, timore sollicitor. |
16 It is God that melts my heart with fear, his omnipotence that daunts me; |
16 God hath softened my heart, and the Almighty hath troubled me. |
16 Deus mollivit cor meum, et Omnipotens conturbavit me. |
17 that thought unmans me, not the surrounding darkness, not the mists which hide my view. |
17 For I have not perished because of the darkness that hangs over me, neither hath the mist covered my face. |
17 Non enim perii propter imminentes tenebras, nec faciem meam operuit caligo. |